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Meet Our Residents & Rescues
Please click on the pictures to learn a little about our residents currently living at the farm & the ones we have helped re-home.

Oreo (aka Maude)
14 yr old Oreo (bonded with Bello) came to us from RI Pet Network when their owner lost his housing & their foster was going away. So after not being able to find another foster they were going to be placed in the shelter. When we heard that we welcomed them into the FDSAR family and they have been nothing but sweethearts :)

13yr old Bello (bonded with Oreo) came to us from RI Pet Network when their owner lost his housing & their foster was going away. So after not being able to find another foster they were going to be placed in the shelter. When we heard that we welcomed them into the FDSAR family and they have been nothing but sweethearts :)

Ocean is a roan quarter horse who came from a hoarding situation. He was originally adopted out but came back to us. He was diagnosed with DSLD so we made the decision to make him a permanent resident here at FDSAR.

Prince Louie
This 10+yr old pittie who is mostly blind & deaf was found dumped on a windy road after dark. He was brought to be euthanized after no one claimed him but luckily the vet thought it wasn't his time yet and reached out to us. We are happy to have him here where he will get nothing but TLC & lots of treats!

Niles (FKA Christopher)
An 8yo Chihuahua mix that sat in an overcrowded shelter in TX for way too long. He was scared, confused and displaying some neurological issues. We had some bumps in the road but we finally got him here and are totally in love with this sweet little guy.

Pancho is 15yrs old that we rescued from a shelter in TX. Sweet boy was found as a stray and had teeth practically falling out. He was pretty scared and needed out ASAP. We are so happy to have him here.

Bandit was rescued from an overcrowding situation. When we go thin he was severely underweight. This kind, gentle guy is currently in foster care adn doing great!

Happy Fourth of July! Meet Cisco. We couldn't have picked a better day to rescue this beautiful senior gelding. Cisco was rescued from an overcrowding situation in Rhode Island. Four Dogs Senior Animal Rescue partnered with Hidden Pond Equine Rescue to find a foster to give him the love and care that he needs and start his journey on finding his forever home that will allow him to live out the rest of his days with a full belly and in a safe environment. Thank you to ALL involved that made this rescue possible.

One of the 4 stallions FDSAR rescued and got gelded. This mini found his home right at FDSAR and is now a permanent resident on the farm!

One of the 4 stallions FDSAR rescued and got gelded. We are happy to report he has found his forever home.

FDSAR rescued Amber from an overcrowding situation and found her a beautiful new home with West Place Animal Sanctuary!

Lilly is the reason we started FDSAR. This sweet lady was left in the house for days w/her deceased owner and unfortunately the conditions she had been living in prior to that were really bad. Being a 12 yo, 80lbs shepherd mix with some hip and urinary issues it was hard finding her another home and shelters would not take her. As soon as we saw the post pleading for a home we immediately reached out. She joined the FDSAR family that day!

Cooper was rescued from an overcrowding situation & poor living conditions. FDSAR decided to take him in and built out their barn space to accommodate Cooper.

Misty Blue & Midnight Angel
Meet Moonlight Angel and Misty Blue. These 2 horses represent the 7th and 8th horses we have
removed from an overcrowding situation this month! We were concerned that Moonlight angel
(brown horse) was lame due to poor hoof maintenance as well as being confined to a small
stable much of her life which didn't allow for her to move. As you can see from the video (on our "About" page) now
that they are under the care of one of our fosters they are thriving! We hope to complete their
veterinary care and place them in their new home soon. We are unable to do this work without
the support from volunteers, fosters and financial support from our followers. A Big thank you to
all who support our cause from the FDSAR, Moonlight Angel and Misty Blue!
removed from an overcrowding situation this month! We were concerned that Moonlight angel
(brown horse) was lame due to poor hoof maintenance as well as being confined to a small
stable much of her life which didn't allow for her to move. As you can see from the video (on our "About" page) now
that they are under the care of one of our fosters they are thriving! We hope to complete their
veterinary care and place them in their new home soon. We are unable to do this work without
the support from volunteers, fosters and financial support from our followers. A Big thank you to
all who support our cause from the FDSAR, Moonlight Angel and Misty Blue!

The 3 Minis
Meet Peanut, Lily & Petunia! These 3 beautiful minis were rescued as part of an ongoing effort to re- home a number of horses and goats in Rhode Island due to overcrowding and unsafe living conditions. The animals were in need of a new start. Four Dogs Senior Animal Rescue with help from some volunteers were able to get these cuties placed in a fantastic forever home. A big thank you to the team of volunteers and local support we received to make this rescue possible.

Jake & Halo
Unfortunately this is an all to familiar story about Thoroughbreed race horses once they have outlived their utility. Jake and Halo came to us through a partnership with Hidden Pond Equine Rescue. Both Jake and Halo were slated to be placed into the slaughter pipeline. Four Dogs Senior Animal Rescue partnered with Hidden Pond to provide these 2 seniors a forever home to live out the rest or their days in peace. Jake and Halo are thriving in their new environment along with there many new senior friends. We are so happy to have them here on the FDSAR Farm with us!

Jasmine & Snow White (bonded sisters)
We would like to introduce you to our newest senior canine residents Snow and Jas. This bonded pair of 15 yr old sisters came to us through Vintage Pet Rescue as part of an owner surrender. They have been adjusting nicely to their new lives on the Farm.

Sam came to us via the rescue No Dogs Left Behind. His story is not unfamiliar to those who know the dog slaughter trade in China. He was rescued from the streets of Beijing, China where dogs are rounded up to be slaughtered and consumed. This culminates with a festival in Yulin, China each June. After his rescue Sam was flown to the US to be placed with an adopter. After only a week with his new family NDLB was informed his adopters no longer wanted him due to a hip dysplasia issue. That is where FDSAR stepped in and adopted Sam to ensure that he would be in a safe and loving environment for the rest of his days. Sam is now thriving in his new environment and has been nicknamed our official "Barn Dog" due to his bond with our rescue horses Halo and Jake.

Jed is a 10 yr old Mountain Cur from Kentucky. We originally signed up to Foster him through Mountain Rottie Rescue when we saw their post trying to get him out of the shelter. We had not started FDSAR at that point but couldn't stop thinking about those big soulful eyes. So planning on just fostering him, Jed came with a bunch of health issues we had to work through before we could try to find an adopter. Almost a year later and he's still here,being a goofball and making sure to get plenty of belly rubs. So we weren't letting him go anywhere! He is now officially one of us and as happy/healthy as can be.

Although he is the smallest of the bunch, he is also the most feared! This little 7lbs Chihuahua came to us from Vintage Pet Rescue back in December 2021 and quickly stole my (Erin) heart. He is the Grumpy old man of the bunch & attached to me at the hip (which I love!) when he's not snuggled up under a nice cozy blanket. He is about 13 yrs old and LOVES treats!

Clara has been with us since she was about 2 yrs old and came from Mountain Rottie Rescue. She is now 9yrs old and the protector of the Farm. When she is not out patrolling to make sure everyone is safe or working with Jay around the farm, she enjoys belly rubs, going for a swim in the pond or hanging with her best friend Lucia. Clara is the biggest sweetheart.

Lucia (Lulu)
Lucia came to us unexpectedly. We were vacationing in St. Lucia when this cute little wiggly dog came to our hotel during a thunderstorm. So we invited her in and then she never left our side despite us leaving the gate open thinking she'd want to leave. Everytime we came back from an outing she was there waiting for us. So after a lot of running around trying to figure out how to bring her to the U.S., we did it with the help of the 1 & only vet on the island. Ever since she has been the best dog, smart as can be and loves her BFF Clara. Lucia is very shy at first but as soon as she gets to know you she will show you her zoomies and ask for belly rubs. We are lucky to have found her and believe it was fate.
7/15/23: We are so happy to announce, Cisco got ADOPTED!!! And looking GOOD! Congratulations to him and his new family. Big thank you to Hidden Pond Farm Equine Rescue for all their help!

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